Hi all,
I have a D945GCNL motherboard that has 1 PCI Express X16 ver. 1.1 slot which is NOT PCI Express X16 ver. 2.0. My CPU is Pentium Dual Core E2180. I want to buy a graphics card with which I can watch 720p and 1080p videos without any lag. I do not play games on my PC. I have seen the that ATi Radeon HD4770 is a great card and can fit into a PCI Express X16 ver. 1.1 slot. The following link shows the system requirements of the HD4770:
Am I correct in believing that this card will work in PCI Express X16 ver. 1.1 slot? Will it help improve the lag that I face when using the onboard video card?
The requirements for the card also states that I need a total of 450W or greater power supply with one 75W 6-pin PCI Express® power connectors recommended. What does that mean? Do I need to get a 500W PSU to run my PC? I believe my current PSU is a 400W one.
Which manufacturer makes the best HD4770 cards? XFX, MSI, HIS, Sapphire, Asus, Gigabyte?
My basic system information:
Motherboard: Intel D945GCNL
CPU: Pentium Dual Core E2180
Memory: 2 GB RAM (DDR2 - 667)
OS: Windows XP Professional SP3
Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 732NW (VGA connection only) (link for monitor specs: http://www.samsung.com/ph/consumer/detail/spec.do?group=computerperipherals&type=monitor&subtype=lcdmonitor&model_cd=LS17PENSF/XTP&fullspec=F)
Any suggestions will be appreciated. For example, if I need a better CPU for the HD4770 or if I need a better quality cooling fan for the CPU.
Thanks!|||1.1 is compatible, it will be slower though [than the newer 2.0], but not noticeable for watching movies.
CPU/CPU cooling will not be affected. It is suggested to upgrade or add case fans, but I doubt you will need too. Stock coolers and fans get the job done if you don't plan on overclocking.
I swear by Sapphire for my graphics.
They include the adapter for DVI to VGA, so you're all good with your monitor.
A 75w 6-pin is a cable that comes from your power supply with, well 6 pins. Open up your case and look inside. If you see one that isn't hooked up to anything, you're good to go. This is what they look like.http://www.techaddicts.net/reviews/st75e…
If you don't have one, the card is usually supplied with an adapter that combines two "4-pin Molex" connectors into one 6-pin.
Basically, if you don't have the 6-pin, make sure you have two of these, http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/agcomm/accs…
If you don't have the connectors, its time to invest in a new PSU [power supply].
I suggest the PC Power & Cooling 750 watt quad
Best PSU for value, hands down.
You shouldn't have any problems, They always bump up the minimum requirements, sort of like a safety net, for people on the low end of the spectrum.|||Hi,
Yes the card will work but as the motherboard PCI is version 1.1 you won't get the best out of the card but it is backwardly compatible.
You will need a bigger power supply if you use that card, I would go for at least 600watt to be safe as quoted wattage is not always accurate.
As for who makes the best cards, everybody has their own opinion!
Arnak|||Yes it will work just will load games a bit slower. Any PCI-e card will out perform any on board chipset. Newer video cards need a bit more power and specific power connections to function at full potential. Your 400w most likely will work (since you said you would not play games) But don't be surprised if you don't have the extra power leads to supply it.
Power supplies are very inexpensive
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