I would like to put a 1 GB X16 2.0 graphics card in my quad core desktop pc, but am unsure of a quality card at a low price. Plus, I need to find one that supports windows 7 home premium. I also would like it to be able to run all of the new games out like: COD Modern Warefare 2, Just Cause 2, Crysis, ect. i.e. first person shooters.
Motherboard Specs:
450 Watt Power supply
750 Gb hard drive
Asus M4A785-M Motherboard w/ room for up to 16 GB Ram
Amd 2.40 GHz Phenom X4 9750 Quad Core Processor
The max price I would like to spend on a video card is around $150.00
Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank you|||Actually, the Radeon 5770 is your card... a step above the Radeon 5750 and GTS 250. Most models are $160ish but what have we here:
The 5770 is extremely energy-efficient, requiring only a 450W power supply and single PCI-E power connector.
That's considerably less than earlier generation cards of the same level (Radeon 4870 and GTX 260) which require a minimum of 550W and 2 power connectors.
** Update **
In Call of Duty:MW2 the GTS 250 is an amazing performer, it even beats the Radeon 5770. It's also pretty competitive in Crysis. It's definitely a nice card for $110
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…|||A Radeon 5750 or a NVIDIA 250 GTS would be great for your budget.|||With that PSU, you're pretty limited. An NVIDIA 9800 GTX 512MB is very cheap, and it DOES play Crysis at very good settings despite what most people say. Then again, like I said, your PSU is pretty low to be able to run high-end video cards. The 9800 is getting older, but requires at least a 500-550W PSU. You can find a cheap PSU with high voltage on New Egg to support a new GPU. You're not going to be able to play those demanding games with 1GB of dedicated memory or else your PC will fry.
Video Card:
You can dig around New Egg to find what suites your needs better, they have literally everything you need in building a custom PC.
Hope this info helps.
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